Councilmember Consuelo Martinez is Proudly Representing District One in Escondido.
Representando con orgullo al Distrito Uno en la ciudad de Escondido.
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All in for Escondido!
Thank you, Escondido for the honor of being re-elected to serve a second term on the Escondido City Council. Please stay in touch via my social media channels where I post daily about Escondido.
¡Todo por Escondido!
Gracias, Escondido por el honor de ser reelegida para servir un segundo termino en el Concejo Municipal de Escondido. Por favor, manténganse en contacto a través de mis canales de redes sociales donde publico diariamente sobre Escondido.
Meet Consuelo.
Deputy Mayor Consuelo Martinez has been involved in the community for over two decades. She is a passionate leader and independent thinker that provides a refreshing voice of reason in a divisive political climate. Consuelo cares and listens to community where she works to uplift and give a voice to those who are often left behind. Consuelo wears many hats and all are in service to the city she loves and grew up in.